sur Lumira Ventures

Lumira Ventures Celebrates Team Promotions Ahead of International Women's Day

On March 7, 2024, Lumira Ventures, a Toronto-based life sciences investment firm, announced significant promotions within its investment team, highlighting the firm's commitment to growth, development, and recognition of female contributions. The announcement was made in anticipation of International Women's Day, reinforcing the importance of acknowledging women's roles in the workforce, particularly in leadership positions within venture capital. Peter van der Velden, Managing Director, emphasized that Lumira Ventures has been pioneering in promoting gender diversity with a female partner among its ranks early on.

The firm proudly revealed the promotions of three women to higher leadership roles. Suman Rao, Ph.D., has been promoted to Senior Associate, tasked with taking on more responsibilities in new investments and serving on boards. Baye Galligan, MA, HBA, ascends to Director of Research, focusing on enhancing Lumira’s research capabilities and investment themes. Alyssia Watkin moves up to Director of Communications and Investor Relations, expanding her role in fundraising and stakeholder engagement.

In addition to celebrating its current team's accomplishments, Lumira Ventures welcomed Isabelle Harris as an Analyst, further showcasing their commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. The firm looks forward to the unique perspectives and expertise she will bring to the team. This series of promotions and new addition underlines Lumira Ventures' dedication to empowering women and promoting gender equality within the professional arena.

R. E.

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