sur Lumu (NASDAQ:S)

Lumu Integrates with CrowdStrike to Boost SecOps Transformation

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Lumu has announced a new integration with CrowdStrike to enhance security operations transformation. The integration connects Lumu's network-centric incident data with the CrowdStrike Falcon® XDR platform, leveraging automation to detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats.

Ricardo Villadiego, founder and CEO of Lumu, emphasized the importance of real-time detection to combat sophisticated cyberattacks. He highlighted that the integration provides security teams with crucial insights to identify and block threats rapidly. This collaboration aims to make automated SecOps accessible to organizations of all sizes.

The key benefits of this integration include accelerated incident management, reduced SOC alert fatigue, and unified visibility into adversary activity. Security teams can now streamline incident response and maintain comprehensive visibility through Falcon's single console.

R. P.

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