sur Mainz BioMed N.V.

Mainz Biomed and Liquid Biosciences Unveil Novel mRNA Biomarkers for Pancreatic Cancer Detection

Mainz Biomed N.V., in collaboration with Liquid Biosciences, announces a promising discovery in pancreatic cancer detection using mRNA biomarkers from blood samples. The discovery reveals a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 98%, which could revolutionize non-invasive cancer screening methods.

The partnership involves a License and Option Agreement granting Mainz Biomed exclusive rights to develop these biomarkers for commercial use. Leveraging Liquid Biosciences' EMERGE platform, the study incorporated multiple cancer cohorts, validating the biomarkers' efficacy across various samples.

This advancement positions Mainz Biomed to enhance its PancAlert program, focusing on early detection and possible FDA approval. Further development of commercial assays and algorithm refinement are planned as part of this groundbreaking initiative.

R. P.

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