sur Mainz BioMed N.V.

Mainz Biomed Pushes for Colorectal Cancer Prevention

During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Mainz Biomed N.V. emphasizes a shift from screening to prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC). The company, listed on NASDAQ as MYNZ, focuses on early cancer detection, advocating proactive strategies over late-stage diagnostics. With CRC being the second leading cause of cancer deaths globally, Mainz Biomed's mission is crucial.

Their approach integrates mRNA biomarkers, a FIT test, and AI, showing a remarkable 82% advanced adenoma detection sensitivity. This method highlights potential advantages for early intervention. Mainz Biomed's flagship product, ColoAlert®, is already enhancing global CRC screening accessibility, including recent partnerships in Switzerland.

Mainz Biomed is committed to advancing at-home testing solutions, aiming to lower screening barriers and empower individuals. The company supports education, innovation, and accessibility to boost early detection rates, ultimately aiming for prevention of colorectal cancer.

R. P.

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