sur TUI AG (isin : DE000TUAG000)

Major Change in TUI AG Ownership

TUI AG announces a significant change in shareholdings following a notification made on February 20, 2024. The company based in Hanover, Germany, has recorded significant movements in its shareholding structure involving The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., based in Wilmington, DE, USA.

The trigger for these changes is attributed to both the acquisition/disposal of shares with voting rights and a change in the distribution of voting rights. These activities crossed the threshold on February 14, 2024, indicating a new distribution of shareholdings.

In detail, the direct voting rights attached to shares now represent 0.24% of the total, while voting rights via instruments amount to 5.21%, bringing the total combined to 5.44%. This signals a slight adjustment compared to the previous notification where the sum of direct and instrument voting rights was 5.60%.

Financial instruments include various types, ranging from withdrawal rights to convertible bonds and call options, highlighting the strategic approach adopted by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. in managing its holdings in TUI AG.

R. H.

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