Manitou Group's Q4 2024 Revenue Decline Amid Market Adjustments

Manitou Group reported Q4 2024 revenues of €657 million, marking a 19% decrease compared to Q4 2023. For the full year, sales totaled €2,657 million, down 7% from 2023. Despite this decline, order intake for equipment rose to €532 million in Q4 2024, up from €269 million the previous year. However, the order book for the end of Q4 2024 fell to €1,083 million from €2,275 million in Q4 2023.
Regions experienced varied performance, with Northern Europe witnessing a significant 36% drop in Q4 revenues, influenced by high dealer inventories. Conversely, the Americas showed a 3% increase, reflecting a market recovery. Manitou's Product Division faced a 22% revenue decrease in Q4 2024, while the Services & Solutions Division demonstrated resilience with a minor 1% decrease.
Looking ahead, Manitou anticipates stable revenues in 2025, relying on new industrial resources and product launches in North America to leverage favorable market conditions.
R. H.
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