sur MAX Automation AG (isin : DE000A2DA588)

MAX Automation AG Reports Successful Fiscal Year 2023 Amid Economic Challenges

MAX Automation AG announced that it achieved a successful fiscal year 2023, aligning with its previously raised forecast despite facing macroeconomic and industry challenges. The company registered sales of EUR 443.1 million and an EBITDA of EUR 43.2 million for the overall group, including operations slated for discontinuation. Continued operations saw a 16% increase in sales to EUR 397.4 million, supported by a robust order backlog and expanding service business, yielding an EBITDA of EUR 34.6 million, up 17.7% from the previous year.

However, the group experienced a 15.7% decline in order intake to EUR 341.2 million due to investment hesitancy among clients, influenced by restrictive financing conditions and geopolitical tensions. This has resulted in a 21.1% reduction in the order backlog to EUR 206.0 million. Notably, the bdtronic Group within MAX Automation benefitted from heightened demand in dispensing and impregnation technology, showcasing significant growth.

Looking ahead to 2024, MAX Automation anticipates sales from continuing operations to range between EUR 390.0 million and EUR 450.0 million and projects an EBITDA between EUR 31.0 million and EUR 38.0 million. The company's strategic positioning and diversified portfolio in high-growth niche markets are expected to navigate the uncertainties in the global economic landscape effectively.

R. H.

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