sur Media OutReach Newswire

Media OutReach Newswire Expands into the USA with Dedicated Press Release Distribution Network

Media OutReach Newswire, the pioneering global newswire from Asia, announced on 28 February 2024 the launch of its exclusive press release distribution network tailored for the USA market. This ambitious expansion is set to provide clients with unparalleled access to over 50,000 journalists and editors across more than 443 trade media categories, enriching the USA media landscape with diverse corporate announcements and news.

The network promises extensive local reach through distribution to the Associated Press (AP) Newsroom and news posting on over 430 sites, including APNews. This extensive coverage is combined with high engagement rates seen through its proprietary database, including top publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, boasting email open rates up to 25%.

Founded with the aim of fostering authentic media relationships, Media OutReach Newswire's services are now enhanced by its Media and Journalist Insights. This innovation provides clients with detailed analytics on journalist engagement, helping to strategize more effective communication plans. Besides, it guarantees news posting across key financial terminals worldwide and partner news agencies, ensuring a wide-reaching impact for clients aiming for global visibility.

This strategic expansion underscores Media OutReach Newswire's commitment to redefining press release distribution through AI-driven solutions, aiming to connect Asian brands with a global network of journalists and media outlets effectively.

R. P.

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