sur Media OutReach Newswire

Media OutReach Newswire expands to the United States

Media OutReach Newswire, a renowned communications agency based in Asia, announced the launch of a press release distribution network specifically targeting the US market. This initiative marks a first for an Asian agency, promising privileged access to a large database of more than 50,000 American journalists and editors. This includes prestigious collaborations with the Associated Press to maximize the visibility of releases on influential platforms such as APNews.

Customers will benefit from high engagement rates thanks to deep integration with leading media outlets in the United States. Founder and CEO Jennifer Kok highlights the primary goal of this expansion: supporting public relations professionals in building meaningful relationships with the U.S. press and maximizing media coverage opportunities. The company highlights its ability to provide detailed reports on journalists' interaction with releases, providing a valuable tool for planning communications strategies.

In addition to its new network in the United States, Media OutReach Newswire continues to secure announcements on major international financial platforms, reinforcing its commitment to connecting Asian brands to a global media network. This US expansion aims to strengthen its clients' global brand image by facilitating engagement with key journalists and publications.

R. H.

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