sur Metallic Minerals Corp. (isin : CA59126M1068)

Metallic Minerals Announces Mineral Resource Estimate for Keno Silver Project

Metallic Minerals Corp. has released its first NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for the Keno Silver project in the Yukon Territory, Canada, revealing a combined inferred resource of 2.5 million tonnes with 223 g/t equivalent silver, or 18.16 million ounces of silver. These promising results come from the exploration of four distinct deposits: Formo, Fox, Caribou and Homestake, and suggest significant potential for expansion through additional drilling.

The company plans to expand current resources by targeting both extensions of existing deposits and exploring new sites with high potential. This work is expected to begin during the 2024 field campaign. The project, which covers an area of 171 km², currently has 42 undrilled targets, promising significant future discoveries.

At the same time, Metallic Minerals will participate in the Prospectors and Developers Convention (PDAC) in Toronto, providing an additional opportunity to present the progress and objectives of its Keno Silver project to investors and key players in the sector.

The 2024 resource estimate for Keno Silver, validated by SGS Geological Services, is based on the analysis of 293 drill holes for a total of 17,654.6 meters, highlighting the company's continued commitment to the exploration and development of its projects in world-class mining districts.

R. H.

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