sur Liechtensteinische Landesbank / LLB (isin : LI0355147575)
Michael Hartmann Joins LLB Group Executive Board
Effective 1 July 2025, Michael Hartmann will join the Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) Group Executive Board. His appointment follows Urs Müller's retirement on 31 March 2025, ending a significant 30-year tenure, including 14 years on the Executive Board. Hartmann, with over 35 years of expertise in financial and real estate industries, previously held leadership roles at Zürcher Kantonalbank and was a founding team member at MoneyPark. His responsibilities at LLB will include managing Private and Corporate Banking across Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Germany, as well as overseeing Group Investment Advisory.
During the transition, CEO Gabriel Brenna will temporarily lead the division, ensuring seamless continuity. Brenna praised Hartmann's extensive experience and assured him as a suitable fit for LLB's culture. Hartmann expressed gratitude towards the Board for their trust, aiming for collaborative client partnerships.
R. E.
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