sur Iron Fish Distillery

Michigan Farm Distillery Wins Multiple Whiskey Awards for 'Mad Angler' Series

Iron Fish Distillery, a family-owned farm distillery in Michigan, has won multiple prestigious whiskey awards for their 'Mad Angler' series. Each product in the series is aged for over five years, showcasing their commitment to excellence. Named after the writings of Michael Delp, the initiative aims to highlight the importance of watershed protection and river preservation.

Iron Fish Distillery's Mad Angler® Bourbon 5 yr. earned a Double Platinum award at the 2024 ASCOT Taste Competition, one of only 100 awards given nationally. Other whiskies in the series also received top honors.

The distillery uses grain from their 120-acre farm, committed to sustainable practices under the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). They support watershed organizations, such as the Iron Fish Arctic Grayling Research Fund, which promotes the reintroduction of Arctic Grayling to Michigan rivers.

The ASCOT Awards, created by spirits expert Fred Minnick, are a highly regarded international spirits competition. Awards are based on blind tastings, scoring entries on appearance, aroma, taste, and finish.

R. E.

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