Miliboo Share Buyback Program presented to the General Meeting

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action MILIBOO (EPA:ALMLB).

Miliboo, a company specializing in designer furniture, has announced its share buyback program under European Regulation No. 596/2014. This program will be submitted for authorization to the general meeting on October 17, 2024. The program, lasting 18 months, would allow the repurchase of up to 10% of the capital.

Miliboo currently holds 57,513 treasury shares, representing 0.83% of the capital. The maximum purchase ceiling is set at 10 euros per share, with a total programmatic amount of 6,930,900 euros. The shares acquired may be used to stimulate the market, cover option plans or be cancelled.

With this program, Miliboo aims to support the liquidity of its shares and to retain options for possible future strategic operations.

R. H.

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