Miliboo's half-yearly turnover down, but growth in Europe

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action MILIBOO (EPA:ALMLB).

Miliboo reported revenue of €19.0 million in the first half of the 2024-2025 financial year, down 12.7% from the previous year. The French market, which accounts for 82% of revenue, saw a 16.3% drop, mainly due to a drop in consumption and the real estate crisis.

In contrast, Miliboo's international business grew by 10.1%, with notable performances in Germany and Italy. The company's EBITDA should remain close to breakeven despite this decline in activity, thanks to a high gross margin rate and rigorous cost management.

Miliboo plans to continue to adjust its offering to meet the changing needs of consumers, while maintaining a good level of cash in an uncertain economic climate.

R. P.

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