sur Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (isin : CA7481401007)
Mining Companies and Cree Communities Unite for Reconstruction Fund
The Cree Hunters Economic Security Board (CHESB) and 16 mining companies have pledged $750,000 to the Reconstruction Initiative Forest Fires Fund 2023. This initiative aims to rebuild cabins destroyed by wildfires in 2023 in Eeyou Istchee, James Bay, Quebec.
The RIFFF is a collaborative effort involving the CHESB, the mining sector, and local communities. Reconstruction efforts, beginning in 2025, will be critical for restoring the 60% of traplines affected.
Normand Champigny, CEO of Quebec Precious Metals Corporation, emphasized the necessity of action following the devastation. Serge Larivière of CHESB highlighted the cultural importance of bush cabins for Cree hunters. Allan House of the Cree Trappers' Association reaffirmed the essential nature of these lands for the Eeyou people.
CHESB will contribute $400,000, with Newmont Éléonore and 15 other companies providing additional funds.
R. E.
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