sur MIRA Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MIRA)

Mira Pharmaceuticals Announces Promising Results for MIRA-55 in Multiple Preclinical Tests Compared to THC

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MIRA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq:MIRA), a pre-clinical-stage pharmaceutical development company, has announced promising preclinical findings for its novel oral pharmaceutical marijuana analog, MIRA-55. The data highlights significant potential for MIRA-55 in treating anxiety and cognitive decline when compared to THC.

Initial studies focused on "MIRA1a" led to the discovery of MIRA-55, a molecule with a distinct chemical structure. Recent tests confirm MIRA-55's enhanced potency and pharmacological profile, demonstrating greater efficacy at both CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors compared to THC.

In vitro and mouse model studies revealed that MIRA-55 maintains robust efficacy across various doses without losing effectiveness, unlike THC. It also showed consistent anxiolytic effects in anxiety tests, outperforming THC in reducing anxiety-like behaviors.

CEO Erez Aminov expressed satisfaction with the findings, emphasizing their commitment to advancing MIRA-55 towards an Investigational New Drug application. Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Itzchak Angel highlighted the potential for MIRA-55 to provide more effective treatments with lower toxicities.

R. H.

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