sur Mister Spex SE

Mister Spex Repositions Brand: 'The Optician of Your Life'

Mister Spex SE, Europe's leading omnichannel optician, has unveiled a new brand campaign, "The Optician of Your Life." This marks a pivotal step in the company's transformation, emphasizing optician expertise and expanding its range of premium lenses.

The campaign aims to solidify Mister Spex's position in the optical industry, particularly targeting consumers aged 40 to 60. With a focus on providing exceptional optical advice and high-quality products, the brand seeks to strengthen its market position and profitability.

TV commercials featuring talking glasses will promote the campaign, highlighting Mister Spex's innovative eye test technology and personalized service. The spots will air across major German channels and online platforms, with additional regional activations.

R. H.

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