sur STRABAG SE (isin : AT000000STR1)

MKAO Rasperia Trading Limited's Stake in STRABAG SE Transfers to Iliadis JSC

In a significant shift within the construction industry, MKAO Rasperia Trading Limited has reportedly finalized the transfer of its 24.1% stake in STRABAG SE to Iliadis JSC. This move, finalizing a sale initially announced last December, alters the control dynamics of the Austrian construction giant, STRABAG SE.

STRABAG SE received notifications from both Oleg Deripaska and Iliadis JSC, indicating that the control of MKAO Rasperia Trading Limited and, by extension, its shareholding in STRABAG SE, has formally shifted to Iliadis JSC. This transition marks the end of Deripaska's indirect control over the significant stake.

Despite the completion of this transaction, STRABAG SE disclosed that it remains unable to perform a thorough sanctions review at this time. Therefore, the shares previously held by MKAO Rasperia Trading Limited are still considered frozen under the EU Sanctions Regulation. Moreover, the effect of this transition on the potential acquisition of the same STRABAG shares by Raiffeisen Bank International AG, a process announced in December 2023, remains uncertain without further notifications from the bank.

R. E.

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