sur Beynon Sports (EPA:TKTT)

Moderate Organic Growth for Tarkett in the Third Quarter of 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Beynon Sports (EPA:TKTT).

Tarkett Group recorded organic growth of 2.4% in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous year, with sales of €1,002 million. The Sports division performed strongly with an organic increase of 8.3%, while other segments showed more stability.

In North America, sales grew timidly by 0.7%, mainly in the commercial sector. Europe, the Middle East and Africa saw a weak performance, with negative organic growth of 2.2%.

Sales in the CIS and Asia-Pacific regions declined, despite some price adjustments. In contrast, growth remained strong in Latin America despite a difficult economic environment.

R. P.

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