sur Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA)

Moderna Reports Positive Results in Phase 3 Trial of New COVID-19 Vaccine

Moderna, Inc. announced that its next-generation COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA-1283, achieved positive interim results in a Phase 3 clinical trial, showcasing a stronger immune response against SARS-CoV-2 compared to its current vaccine, Spikevax®. The trial, involving over 11,400 participants from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, indicated that mRNA-1283 not only provides a higher immune response but also demonstrates potential advantages such as longer shelf life and easier storage.

The CEO, Stéphane Bancel, highlighted the significance of mRNA-1283 in Moderna's pipeline, particularly its role in the forthcoming combination vaccine against flu and COVID-19, mRNA-1083. The observed benefits were notably significant in individuals aged 65 and above, a demographic highly vulnerable to serious COVID-19 outcomes. The vaccine maintained a similar safety profile to Moderna's approved COVID-19 vaccines, with common side effects including injection site pain, headache, fatigue, myalgia, and chills.

Moderna plans to detail the Phase 3 trial results at its upcoming Vaccines Day event and future scientific conferences. These developments underscore Moderna's continued commitment to enhancing vaccine technology and addressing public health needs.

R. H.

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