sur Molten Ventures Plc (isin : GB00BY7QYJ50)

Molten Ventures Plc Announces Share Repurchase

Molten Ventures Plc (LSE: GROW, Euronext Growth: GRW) reported a transaction involving the buyback of its own shares. On February 3, 2025, Numis Securities Limited, operating as Deutsche Numis, purchased 38,214 ordinary shares on behalf of the company. This transaction is part of a share repurchase program initiated on January 21, 2025.

The shares were acquired at prices ranging from 309.00 pence to 317.00 pence, with a volume-weighted average price of 312.0328 pence per share. Following this transaction, Molten's total issued share capital stands at 189,046,450 ordinary shares, with 2,935,098 shares held in treasury, resulting in 186,111,352 voting rights in the company.

These figures serve as a reference for shareholders when calculating any changes in their interests as mandated by the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules.

R. H.

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