Morgan Stanley crosses a threshold of participation in Ubisoft

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT (EPA:UBI).

The company Morgan Stanley announced, by letter received on June 19, 2024, that it had crossed downward the threshold of 5% participation in the capital of the company Ubisoft Entertainment. On June 14, 2024, Morgan Stanley indirectly held, via its subsidiaries, 5,788,189 Ubisoft shares, representing 4.54% of the capital and 4.18% of the voting rights.

This threshold crossing results from an off-market sale of Ubisoft shares. The largest holders of these stocks are Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, Prime Dealer Services Corp. and Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.

The “right to recall” and “equity swaps” contracts held by these subsidiaries allow them to recall or unwind these shares in cash at any time, until they expire between 2024 and 2026.

R. E.

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