MOULINVEST 2023-2024 annual results

MOULINVEST, a family-owned industrial group, has published its annual results. Consolidated turnover stands at 91.4 million euros, down from 100.8 million in the previous financial year. However, export turnover is increasing, reaching 15% of the total.
The Wood Construction business, representing 47.6% of turnover, remains stable thanks to an increase in volumes sold despite a drop in prices. On the other hand, the Wood Energy division saw its turnover fall by 19.8%, impacted by an unfavorable climatic context.
MOULINVEST posted a gross margin of 46.6 million euros, down 18.11%. EBITDA decreased by 56.4%, to 10.7 million euros. Consolidated net income stood at -0.3 million euros.
Despite an unfavorable context, a dividend of €0.17 per share is proposed. The group remains optimistic for 2024-2025, anticipating growing demand and continuing its investments.
R. P.
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