MOULINVEST: Financial results down for 2023-2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action MOULINVEST (EPA:ALMOU).

MOULINVEST, a family player in eco-construction and wood energy, announces a consolidated turnover of 91 million euros for the 2023-2024 financial year, marking a decline of 9.4% compared to the previous year. This decline is mainly due to an unfavorable price effect on wood pellets, impacting the Wood Energy business despite stable demand. In addition, the impregnation business also suffered, recording a decline of 13.6% in a difficult economic context.

In the Wood Construction sector, volumes increased by 13%, allowing for a stable figure despite pressure on prices. The cogeneration activity increased slightly by 1.8%, while export sales represented 15% of total turnover, up compared to the previous financial year.

For the future, MOULINVEST anticipates moderate growth in volumes and is preparing a strategy focused on customer loyalty, particularly in wood pellets. The group is also planning investments in its industrial capacities to support a possible recovery in demand.

R. E.

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