Mr.Bricolage Launches New Brand for Local Expansion in France

Mr.Bricolage, celebrating its 45th anniversary, has unveiled a new brand, Mr.Bricolage Relais. This initiative aims to reinforce the Group's presence in France as the leading local home improvement network. With the launch, the company plans to bring 40 stores under this new banner by the end of Q1 2025, enhancing customer proximity and service quality.
Mr.Bricolage Relais is set to capitalize on the brand's existing strengths, recognized by 82% of the French population, with a network of 672 stores. The strategy focuses on accessible product ranges, proximity-centered services, and personalized support for customers.
This new brand is a response to the competitive home improvement and gardening market, offering a secure framework for entrepreneurs. It aims to cater to evolving retail sector challenges while maintaining the core values of proximity and service established since the brand's inception in 1980.
R. H.
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