sur MVISE AG (isin : DE0006204589)
MVISE AG Achieves Freedom from Bank Liabilities
mVISE AG has announced a strategic financial reorganization, freeing itself from bank liabilities effective January 31, 2025. This development is led by Finanzhaus Main Tauber GmbH (FHMT), which spearheaded a consortium of investors to assume these liabilities through a refinancing transaction. The consortium, represented on the Supervisory Board by Mr. Stefan Träumer, currently holds approximately 2% of mVISE AG shares, with plans to increase this shareholding and deepen collaborative efforts.
This debt rescheduling is a significant step, bolstering mVISE AG's equity position and underscoring the consortium's confidence in the company's completed restructuring and evolving business model. This move is anticipated to not only stabilize but also strategically position mVISE AG for future growth.
R. E.
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