sur MVISE AG (isin : DE0006204589)
MVISE AG Benefit from Significant Debt Waiver
On February 4, 2025, mVISE AG announced a debt waiver valued at nearly EUR 300,000 from a consortium led by Finanzhaus-Main Tauber (FHMT). The debt waiver was disclosed following the recent replacement of all bank liabilities. It demonstrates FHMT's trust in mVISE AG and acknowledges the company's successful financial years of 2023 and 2024.
The waiver will reduce mVISE AG's liabilities and is expected to be recorded as extraordinary income in the financial year of 2025. This step strengthens the financial position of mVISE AG, reflecting ongoing support from its financial partners.
Contact information provided by mVISE AG includes CEO Ralf Thomas, headquartered in Düsseldorf, along with contact numbers and an email for investor relations inquiries.
R. P.
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