sur Nabaltec AG (isin : DE000A0KPPR7)

Nabaltec AG Backs Integration Schwandorf e.V. with Generous Donation

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Nabaltec AG (EBR:NTG).

Nabaltec AG, a chemical company based in Schwandorf, has reaffirmed its support for the association "Integration Schwandorf e.V." through a substantial five-year donation. This initiative, stemming from the Integration Schwandorf effort active since 2016, focuses on integrating migrants and socially disadvantaged individuals while promoting volunteer work and social cohesion.

This recognition coincided with the association's founding celebrations, held at the former Metropol Cinema in Schwandorf, a venue now designated for project activities and gatherings. The contribution from Nabaltec AG underscores their commitment to fostering community ties within the region, especially during times of societal fragmentation. The company's CEO, Johannes Heckmann, emphasized the importance of engaging in regional social projects, reflecting Nabaltec AG's dedication to social responsibility.

R. P.

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