sur NamR (EPA:ALNMR)
NamR: Financial status as of November 15, 2024

On November 26, 2024, namR published its financial position. As of November 15, cash and cash equivalents stood at €377K, excluding €412K of outstanding trade receivables. At the end of October, gross financial debt stood at €6.0M, and discussions with banking partners for a rescheduling of this debt are ongoing.
To ensure its continuity, namR is actively seeking financing solutions. The company has also decided on a voluntary departure plan, reducing the workforce from 40 to 31 employees as of December 1, 2024, anticipating a reduction in payroll of €700,000.
Despite these challenges, namR maintains its target of €3.2 million in revenue for 2024, with recurring revenue increasing to an ARR of over €1.9 million by the end of October.
R. H.
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