sur NanoViricides, Inc. (NASDAQ:NNVC)

NanoViricides’ NV-387: A Potential Breakthrough Against Bird Flu H5N1

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NanoViricides, Inc. has announced that its ultra-broad-spectrum antiviral NV-387 could significantly combat the bird flu H5N1 virus. According to the company, NV-387 proved superior to established treatments such as Oseltamivir, Peramivir, and Baloxavir in an animal study combating Influenza A/H3N2.

The drug successfully protected the lungs of infected animals from both viral and immune system damage, highlighting its strong antiviral potential. This comes as H5N1 has begun infecting various mammalian species, posing an increased threat.

NV-387 remains effective due to its mechanism targeting the Multi-Basic Site (MBS) in the H5, replicating sulfated proteoglycans which many viruses use for attachment. Its broad-spectrum activity also extends to other dangerous viruses, making it a versatile candidate.

The high mutation rate of influenza viruses underscores the need for such broad-spectrum treatments. According to Dr. Redfield, the ex-Director of the CDC, minimal mutations could enable H5N1 to efficiently infect humans, presenting a potentially significant pandemic threat.

R. E.

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