sur ShanghaiEye

Ne Zha 2 Shines at Hong Kong Box Office

Chinese animated film Ne Zha 2 has dominated the Hong Kong box office, remaining the top film for four consecutive days since its release. The sequel to the 2019 hit "Ne Zha," the film has already grossed over $2.07 million in Hong Kong, marking it as 2025's highest-grossing film in the region.

Premiering at Causeway Bay, the film has drawn large crowds and critical acclaim. Industry professionals praised its technical excellence and narrative depth, scheduling frequent screenings to meet the high demand. It has become a cultural milestone, showcasing the potential of Chinese animation on the global stage.

Globally, Ne Zha 2 has grossed over $1.698 billion by February 18, becoming the highest-grossing animated film in history. Its success demonstrates the growing appeal and sophistication of Chinese animated films worldwide.

R. H.

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