sur Yandex N.V. (NASDAQ:YNDX)
Nebius Expands US Operations with New Jersey Data Center
Nebius Group N.V., an AI infrastructure firm, has announced a significant expansion in the US by constructing a new data center in New Jersey. This facility is designed to offer up to 300 MW capacity. It marks a substantial enhancement to the company's cloud computing capabilities in America.
This phased development aims to achieve 100 MW by 2025, with the potential for further expansion to meet increasing demand. CEO Arkady Volozh highlighted the strategic importance of this development in advancing Nebius's presence in the American market.
Alongside New Jersey, Nebius is enhancing its Kansas City facility and adding a new site in Iceland. These expansions contribute to its goal of increasing capacity in the US and Europe by 2025, leveraging Iceland's renewable energy resources to minimize environmental impact.
R. H.
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