sur Yandex N.V. (NASDAQ:YNDX)

Nebius Group to Build Leading European AI Infrastructure Company

Nebius Group, founded by tech entrepreneur Arkady Volozh, has launched as a major player in AI infrastructure. The company will focus on an AI-centric cloud platform designed for intensive AI workloads, with a headquarters in Amsterdam and hubs in Europe, the US, and Israel.

The group aims to tackle the global AI infrastructure deficit by building full-stack infrastructure, including GPU clusters and cloud platforms. Nebius seeks to provide developers with the necessary tools for AI development.

Volozh emphasized the importance of overcoming current AI infrastructure challenges, likening it to the foundational impact of railways during the industrial revolution. Europe’s strength in the global AI race is its talented workforce, essential for innovation.

The core asset, Nebius, focuses on creating a global network of GPU clusters. Additionally, the group is developing three other businesses: Toloka AI, TripleTen, and Avride, each serving different aspects of AI development and technology education.

R. H.

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