sur Nemetschek AG (isin : DE0006452907)

Nemetschek Group Completes Acquisition of GoCanvas Holdings, Inc.

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Nemetschek AG (EBR:NEM).

Munich, July 2, 2024 – The Nemetschek Group, a leading global provider of software solutions for the AEC/O and media industries, announced the completion of its acquisition of GoCanvas Holdings, Inc. on July 1. GoCanvas is known for its field worker collaboration software that digitizes paper-based processes, simplifies inspections, improves safety, and ensures compliance.

The acquisition enhances Nemetschek’s Build & Construct Division by integrating GoCanvas’s cloud and mobile SaaS solutions. This combination is expected to unlock significant growth opportunities in the construction sector and adjacent industries. It will also strengthen Nemetschek's market position in the US and enable GoCanvas to expand in Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Additionally, GoCanvas’s SaaS-only offering will accelerate Nemetschek’s shift to a subscription- and SaaS-centric business model, which is a key strategic priority for the company.

R. H.

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