sur Nemetschek AG (isin : DE0006452907)

Nemetschek Group Maintains Growth in Q3 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Nemetschek AG (EBR:NEM).

The Nemetschek Group reported continued growth in Q3 2024, particularly in its Subscription and SaaS segments, with revenue surging by 94.3% to EUR 150.3 million. Organic growth excluding GoCanvas was 77.5%. The Group’s total revenue rose by 15.1% to EUR 253 million, while the EBITDA margin stood at 30.1%.

Annual recurring revenue (ARR) increased by 33.0%, reaching EUR 883.3 million. The strategic transition to a subscription-based model and international expansion were key drivers. Despite economic challenges, the Group has strengthened its market position with the acquisition of GoCanvas, contributing significantly to its Q3 performance.

Segment results varied, with the Build segment showing a notable 33.5% revenue increase due to GoCanvas. The Design and Manage segments exhibited steady, albeit slower, growth. The Executive Board predicts further progress in FY 2024, expecting up to 11% organic revenue growth.

R. P.

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