sur Nemetschek AG (isin : DE0006452907)
Nemetschek SE Launches Share Buyback Program

Munich-based Nemetschek SE has announced the initiation of a share buyback program, authorized by the annual general meeting in May 2024. This program, effective from February 5 to December 31, 2025, allows for the purchase of up to 92,600 shares, equivalent to approximately 0.08% of the company's share capital. The total purchase price is capped at EUR 11.1 million, excluding acquisition costs.
The repurchased shares are intended to fulfill stock appreciation rights for the Executive Board and senior leadership of Nemetschek Group. These rights, introduced in 2022, aim to fortify employee loyalty and support the group's long-term success. The program follows the Safe-Harbor-Rules, complying with EU regulations on market abuse.
Nemetschek is a leading software provider for the AEC/O and media industries, promoting digital transformation. Further details about the buyback initiative are available on their official website.
R. P.
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