Neoen exceeds 1 GW of renewable energy capacity in the Nordic countries and signs two new PPAs

Neoen, a major player in renewable energy, announces that it has surpassed the threshold of 1 GW of operational or under-construction renewable energy capacity in the Nordic countries. This milestone comes five years after the start of construction of its first wind farm in Finland. The company has invested over one billion euros in the region, establishing itself as a dynamic energy specialist in the Nordic countries.

With 1,076 MW of capacity, including 773 MW in Finland and over 303 MW in Sweden, Neoen is also a leader in energy storage in the region. The company has also signed two power purchase agreements with Equinix for the Storbrännkullen wind farm in Sweden and with Mölnlycke Health Care for the Mutkalampi wind farm in Finland, strengthening its portfolio of 13 PPAs in the Nordic countries.

Christophe Desplats-Redier, Neoen's Regional Director in Europe, expresses pride in achieving this gigawatt scale and emphasizes the importance of collaboration in the company's success. Xavier Barbaro, CEO of Neoen, congratulates the local teams for their rapid growth and reaffirms Neoen's commitment to energy transition worldwide.

R. H.

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