NetMedia Group launches a capital increase of 2.8 million euros

NetMedia Group, a BtoB communications and media company, announces a capital increase of 2.8 million euros. This operation will take place from February 27 to March 11, 2025, with a subscription price set at 3 euros per new share. Current shareholders will benefit from a preferential subscription right (DPS).
Reworld Media is committing €2.4 million, representing 85.71% of the transaction. This increase aims to strengthen the company's equity. The new shares will be listed on Euronext Growth Paris and immediately assimilated to the existing shares.
Shareholders can subscribe on an irreducible or reducible basis, and the DPS will be negotiable until March 7, 2025. This investment is eligible for the PEA and the PEA-PME.
R. P.
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