sur Black Book Market Research

Netsmart Dominates Client Satisfaction Ranking in Home Healthcare Technology Sector

Netsmart continues to excel by achieving the highest customer satisfaction ratings among home healthcare technology platforms, according to an annual survey by Black Book Research. This study, which includes feedback from customers using 49 competing software in the sub-acute, home health, hospice, skilled nursing, and adult facilities sectors, highlights Netsmart's performance for the tenth consecutive year.

The commitment to person-centered, value-based care was emphasized by Dawn Iddings, SVP & General Manager of Post-Acute at Netsmart, highlighting the importance of collaboration between Netsmart's clients and associates. The dynamic healthcare environment requires advanced, ONC-certified platforms to navigate complexities and achieve optimal outcomes.

The Black Book Research study involved 1,605 post-acute healthcare professionals and highlighted the increasing need for innovative post-acute software solutions. Netsmart outperformed 19 competitors in eight of the 18 key performance indicators specific to home healthcare technologies.

By meeting the certification requirements for the 2015 Edition Cures Act of ONC IT for the EHR myUnity® and completing the necessary new FHIR® API tests, Netsmart demonstrates its commitment to promoting interoperability and improving health information exchange.

Technological advancements, particularly in mobile and home-connected applications, enhance efficiency and automation in patient data collection at home, leading to better hospital-patient connectivity and improved post-hospital care quality. However, 85% of respondents acknowledge that the persistent lack of interoperability presents challenges in delivering post-acute care.

R. P.

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