sur Digostics Limited
New Progress in Gestational Diabetes Screening Thanks to the Collaboration Between Digostics and UHS
The provider of digital clinical diagnostics and at-home diabetes tests, Digostics, announced today the results of a remote gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening initiative in partnership with the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS). This collaboration allowed expecting mothers in Hampshire to access the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), considered the gold standard, without having to visit a clinic.
The introduction of the GTT@home service was driven by UHS's ambition to improve test quality and offer a patient-centered approach, while enabling quicker screening. The objectives also included reducing the number of prenatal appointments and improving equity in healthcare access. Improvements in test participation rates, quality, reliability, early diagnosis, user satisfaction, as well as a significant decrease in maternity services workload, have met or exceeded all defined success criteria.
Up to 20% of pregnancies in the UK are affected by GDM, a risk factor for pregnancy complications and an increased likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes later on. Before this initiative, the OGTT test required fasting and significant time spent at the hospital. The user-friendly nature of the GTT@home test and the 97% user satisfaction rate highlight the considerable benefits of this new approach.
Following the success of the GTT@home pilot at UHS, trusts and health boards across the UK are considering introducing this solution for pregnant women in 2024. Digostics also plans to expand to the Middle East and Asia-Pacific to meet the significant demand for GTT@home in these regions.
R. H.
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