sur Bausch Health Companies Inc. (NASDAQ:BHC)

New Survey Reveals Over Half of IBS/CIC Patients Feel Isolated, Though Social Media Fosters Community and Healthcare Discussions

Salix Pharmaceuticals, a division of Bausch Health Companies Inc., released its fourth annual IBS Impact Report, shedding light on the experiences of Americans living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC). Conducted in partnership with Fairleigh Dickinson University Poll, the survey of more than 850 individuals reveals a significant sense of isolation among IBS/CIC patients, with many attempting to conceal their symptoms from loved ones, and a majority skipping events due to their condition.

The findings suggest a struggle in discussing the full spectrum of symptoms with healthcare providers, and treatments often failing to address all symptoms. However, the survey indicates that social media may play a critical role in building a sense of community and encouraging more open conversations between patients and healthcare providers.

Nicola Kayel of Salix emphasizes the importance of these findings in fostering more authentic dialogues around IBS and improving patient care. The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders also highlights the survey's role in raising awareness and reducing stigma around the condition.

Additional insights from the survey include a positive view on healthcare providers' social media presence, a desire for comprehensive symptom discussions, and varying satisfaction with treatment effectiveness.

R. E.

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