sur Modular Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:MODD)

New to The Street Collaborates with Brio Financial Group for Enhanced Media and Financial Services

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Modular Medical, Inc. (EBR:MODD).

New to The Street, a television brand known for highlighting innovative businesses, has announced a strategic alliance with Brio Financial Group. This partnership integrates Brio's expertise in financial strategy with New to The Street's media capabilities, targeting growth-oriented companies.

The collaboration offers an extensive range of services combining financial consultancy with media exposure. Brio Financial Group specializes in capital procurement, IPO readiness, and strategic planning, while New to The Street ensures broad visibility through platforms like Fox Business, Bloomberg, and high-profile outdoor campaigns.

Additionally, both companies will utilize to connect businesses with investors. Initiatives will include tailored media campaigns, webinars, and investor presentations, providing companies with both visibility and financial tools for success.

R. P.

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