sur Zapp Electric Vehicle (NASDAQ:ZAPP)

New to The Street Unveils Bloomberg TV Lineup for October 12

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Zapp Electric Vehicle (EBR:ZAPP).

New to The Street announced an exciting lineup for its upcoming segment on Bloomberg TV, set to air on Saturday, October 12, at 6:30 PM EST. The program will feature groundbreaking companies like ZAPP, NUBURU, and ACURX Pharmaceuticals. Each organization highlights innovations in electric vehicles, blue laser technology, and antibiotic development, respectively.

The episode will also include The Sustainable Green Team, focusing on eco-friendly solutions for environmental sustainability. Additionally, SEKUR will provide crucial insights into cybersecurity through its "Hack of the Week" segment. This diverse lineup showcases the advancements and innovations in various industries.

R. E.

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