sur New Work SE (isin : DE000NWRK013)

New Work SE announces preliminary financial results for 2023

New Work SE, parent company of .1 million euros, in line with forecasts. The pro forma consolidated profit reached 38.8 million euros.

The HR Solutions & Talent Access segment grew by 5%, reaching €218.6 million, despite a challenging market environment. On the other hand, the B2C segment decreased by 17% due to the transformation of XING into a job network. The Marketing Solutions B2B segment also saw a decline of 17%.

Petra von Strombeck, CEO of New Work SE, highlights the growth in the company's core business and the success of kununu, which saw a 16% increase in sessions and a 28% increase in Workplace Insights. XING has launched its largest marketing campaign and becomes a founding partner of the Baller League to support its repositioning.

Despite the challenges, New Work SE continues its restructuring, focusing its efforts on XING and kununu and confirms its forecast of a pro forma EBITDA of 55 to 65 million euros for 2024.

R. P.

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