sur New World Solutions Inc. (isin : CA6489261033)

New World Solutions Announces Board Changes

New World Solutions Inc. (OTC:REGRF) has announced a change within its Board of Directors. Mr. Marks has stepped down to focus on developing the company's subsidiary, dialMKT Corp. This decision aligns with the recent launch of dialMKT's online platform, which has started generating revenue. Mr. Marks will concentrate on expanding this brand and increasing its revenue. The company clarifies that any promotion by Mr. Marks related to the watch business is based on his personal views, not the company's.

The Board plans to announce a new Chairperson in their upcoming meeting. Currently, there is no intention to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Marks. dialMKT is engaged in digital transformation for the global luxury wristwatch market, integrating blockchain technology to enhance content, e-commerce, and community engagement.

R. H.

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