sur New World Solutions Inc. (isin : CA6489261033)

New World Solutions Debuts E-commerce Platform for Watch Enthusiasts

New World Solutions Inc. (CSE:NEWS) has announced the launch of its new e-commerce platform,, through its subsidiary dialMKT Corp. The platform targets the luxury watch enthusiast market, estimated globally at billions of dollars. It will integrate content, commerce, and community features.

The site features an array of collectible watches, including vintage models by Patek Philippe and Rolex, as well as modern classics like the Rolex Submariner "Bluesy". An auction format and technical upgrades are planned within the next 30 days.

According to Jack Marks, CEO of dialMKT, the platform enables revenue generation through consignment and sales, leveraging a community of over 18,000 users. The goal is to provide rare watches at competitive prices with transparency and personalized service.

R. H.

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