sur New World Solutions Inc. (isin : CA6489261033)
New World Solutions' Subsidiary Partners with Bidsquare for Global Luxury Watch Auctions
Toronto-based New World Solutions Inc. announced a partnership through its dialMKT subsidiary with to launch online auctions for luxury watch collectors globally. This partnership integrates these auctions into a digital ecosystem combining content, e-commerce, and community engagement.
The first auction, featuring vintage and modern luxury watches, will start on December 4, 2024. hosts online auctions for top auction houses, providing dialMKT with access to its technology platform and a global database of high-end buyers. This aligns perfectly with dialMKT's growth strategy to conduct 1-2 auctions monthly from January 2025.
CEO Paul Haber emphasizes this collaboration as a "product-market fit," matching their offerings with Bidsquare's active buyer base. As dialMKT grows its community, these auctions will offer rare watches at competitive prices, while generating revenue through various commissions and sales from owned inventory.
R. P.
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