sur Signal Gold Inc. (NASDAQ:SGNLF)

NexGold and Signal Gold Finalize Business Merger

NexGold Mining Corp. and Signal Gold Inc. announced the completion of their business combination. Through the arrangement, NexGold acquired all Signal Gold shares, combining assets in Ontario and Nova Scotia. This merger aims to position the company as a leading gold developer with prospects in the Goliath and Goldboro Gold Projects.

Kevin Bullock, newly appointed President and CEO, highlighted the merger’s potential for value creation and development progress. The transaction also included significant debt restructuring, reducing the combined company’s financial obligations.

The governance structure integrates members from both companies, while a new partnership with Nebari provided a $12 million facility and a net smelter return royalty on the Goldboro Project. Signal Gold will be delisted from exchanges as part of the transition.

R. H.

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