sur (isin : CA65345C1005) CEO Acquires Over 21 Million Shares, a leading company in augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) based in Toronto, has announced a stock acquisition by its CEO, Evan Gappelberg. The agreement allows him to receive 21,046,338 common shares as compensation for outstanding salary, valued at $0.065 per share. This transaction settles a debt of $1,368,012.

The shares, subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day, are pending approval by the Canadian Securities Exchange. focuses on 3D AI-driven solutions, aiming for significant sales growth through aggressive launch schedules in 2025. The CEO is committed to integrating AI technology across the company's platforms.

This transaction is not available in jurisdictions where it is unlawful, including the United States.

R. H.

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