NFL BIOSCIENCES: 2024 First-Half Business and Earnings Update

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action NFL BIOSCIENCES (EPA:ALNFL).

NFL Biosciences, a biopharmaceutical firm, advances its drug candidates for smoking cessation and reducing alcohol consumption. With key stages completed for NFL-101, a smoking cessation treatment, the company is now preparing for its Phase 3 trial.

Noteworthy progress has been made for NFL-301, aimed at curbing excessive alcohol consumption. NFL Biosciences extended its cash runway to Q3 2025, raising €3 million in April. This funding primarily supports Phase 3 requirements for NFL-101 and the NFL-301 development plan.

NFL Biosciences reported a net income of €(0.7) million for H1 2024, showing improvement from €(2.1) million in H1 2023. The company, still in clinical trials, aims for strategic collaborations and further advancements in its trial phases.

R. E.

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